Redbridge SERC

Visual Impairment


SEaTSS SUpport students who have a range of Visual Impairment, including students who have no functional vision.

The Service has QTVI staff and a Sensory HTLA to support 

We use technology to support many students and we have our own in house IT assessment service 

Fact sheets

Training / Help

SEaTSS can support students with this condition.

To refer to SEATSS please use this link:


Screenshot for video: Me, my autism and I

Me, my autism and I

This advert highlights the complexity of autism in females.  Well done Vanish for promoting sensory issues that impact so many students who have autism. 

Lesson Resources

Learning Aids

Calm down box

Calm down box

Available from: Calm Down Box

What a great idea for students and SENCo's alike !!!  I would be nice to tailor make some to allow students to calm down and develop coping strategies.


Stickman Communication

Stickman Communication

Stickman Communications create brilliantly simple cards to help communicate a variety of conditions/ disabilities. They currently cover; * ASD * Sensory overload * Allergies  * Medical conditions  * Bowel and bladder conditions * Hypermobility and EDS * Migraine * Seizures * POTS /SVT * Visual impairment * Mental Health *…
Full Size image




Full Size image

Source: Therputty

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the educational implications for students who have Muscular Dystrophy?
    • In Primary School the main considerations are around mobility and independence.
    • In PE pupils should be encouraged to access as many physical activities as possible to use the full range of movements for as long as possible.
    • Physiotherapists can provide help and support for PE lessons.
    • Newbridge Outreach can provide alternative physical activities e.g. Olympic Challenge
    • Pupils will tire easily - monitor fatigue / look for patterns in school week.
    • Because of increasing weakness in the shoulder girdle muscles, the child should not be pulled up by the hands or from under the arms.
    • Use of ICT early on to establish skills before they are required.
    • Extra time / scribe during tests / examinations
    • Pace your day - consider the effect of fatigue and how to support this.
    • In Secondary School the issues increase around care needs, independence, fatigue, peer support, transition.
  • Dyslexia- Where can I find an overview of all the Literacy Interventions?

    You can find a good summary of all the current literacy interventions currently used to support students who have dyslexia.

  • How can I identify Dyspraxia in primary aged children?

    The Dyspraxia Foundation have summary advice sheets that are free to download.

    These links take you to sheets that provide information about

    • signs and symptoms of Dyspraxia in Primary children

  • What is Lennox- Gastaut Syndrome?

    Lennox-Gastaut syndrome:

    • is one of the most severe forms of childhood epilepsy
    • there is no known cause for @ 1/3 of all cases
    • does not run in families
    • accounts for 10% of all childhood epilepsies
    • seizures normally start between 2- 5 yrs of age, and rarely start after the age of 8
    • does not respond to epileptic drug treatment
    • a child's development is rarely normal before the seizures start
    • can be one of the hardest forms of childhood epilepsy to treat
    • Dr's may consider cutting the corpus Callosum ( the large group of nerve fibres connecting the two halves of the brain) as this can sometimes help, however the seizures can return after a period of time.


  • How can I help a Secondary aged pupil with Dyspraxia?

    The Dyspraxia Foundation has specific advice relating to strategies to use in school.

    This link provides specific advice for teenagers for home or school.


  • What are the educational implications for students who have Microcephaly?
    • Pupils with Microcephaly can present in a very varied way.
    • The difficulties associated with Microcephaly can require various levels of support in different areas.
    • Pupils with microcephaly can present as having very different needs.
    • If asked to support a pupil with microcephaly it is important to collate a 'Pupil Profile' annotating under each key area (motor, communication, learning, strength/weaknesses etc) if the pupil has any needs that require supporting.
    • Once the pupil profile has been established – SENCO / Class teacher / Parents / Outreach Service / Health Professionals can work together to identify specific strategies that will support these needs.
  • How is Hydrocephalus caused?
    • Brain haemorrhage
    • Premature birth
    • Cysts or brain tumours
    • Spina Bifida
    • Cerebral palsy
    • and in some cases the cause is unknown.
  • What are the warning signs of a blocked shunt?
    • Sudden headaches
    • Vomiting
    • Seizures
    • Raised temperature
    • Unusual lethargy
    • Change in vision
  • What are the observable characteristics Ataxic cerebral palsy?

    Students with ataxic cerebral palsy experience a difficulty in keeping their limbs steady, called dysmetria.

    They can have an "intention tremor'', the tremor gets worse as the person's hand gets closer to the object they are trying to reach.

    Tremors also occur when an Ataxic cerebral palsy sufferer attempts actions requiring specific muscle control, such as writing.

    Difficulties with motor skills become much more pronounced the longer the person with ataxic cerebral palsy attempts motor specific tasks.

    Difficulties maintaining balance. Since balance is impaired, people with Ataxic cerebral palsy often walk with an ungainly gait, and can appear to stagger.

    Ataxic cerebral palsy affects the entire body rather than just certain limbs or muscle groups.

    The muscles of the face can be affected as well.

    The most common facial ataxic symptoms are jerky speech patterns and abnormal eye movements called nystagmus.

  • What causes talipes?
    • Positional talipes is caused by abnormal pressures compressing the foot while it's developing, as a result of its position in the womb.
    • Structural talipes is a more complex condition and probably caused by a combination of factors, such as a genetic predisposition.
    • It may also result from a condition called oligohydramnios, where there's a shortage of amniotic fluid around the baby in the womb.
    • A genetic predisposition means it tends to run in families.
    • There may be associated abnormalities elsewhere in the body, especially with the bones.
    • In 50 per cent of cases, both feet are affected.

Family Resources

Whizz Kids


Whizz-Kidz is a charity aiming to provide disabled children and young customised mobility equipment, training, advice and life skills.

This Charity provides equipment to children that is not available on the NHS. They also run Wheelchair training courses/ Mobility centres in Dagenham and Havering.

William’s Syndrome Factsheet


You can download a factsheet from this link.

It provides information relating to;

  • What is William's Syndrome?
  • Is there any treatment?
  • What is the prognosis?
  • Is there any research being under taken?
  • Links to organisations

Autism UK


Autism UK aims to provide up to date information relating to Autism focusing upon news, historical overview, research, data.