Redbridge SERC

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Fledglings Charity

External Resources

Feldglings specialise in finding those unusual items, including many specially designed for disabled children with specific needs. Their products are simple solutions to complex problems, and if they don't stock …

Blackle- make your Google page black

Learning Aids

Instead of the usual Google page we are used to using - try the this will give you a black page which uses less photons and much …

Lavender sensory rice

Learning Aids

Found on Nurture Store website, here is a simple way to dye rice and add a fragrance. Lavender is usually relaxing for most people so may work as a calming …



Screenshot of video: Balls

Balls, the iPhone app developed by Ioitic turns the iPhone into a hypnotic electric wind chime, complete with slidable coloured balls.

Snowball Soap

Learning Aids

Snowball Soap I didn't know you could do this with a simple bar of soap- how cool! Check out these simple instructions upon ABC Does  The website tells you …