Redbridge SERC

BBC- My Autism and Me

Resource type: Videos  —  Date posted: April 2nd, 2014   Number of views: 2531

In this Newsround Special, 13-year-old Rosie takes viewers into her world to explain what it's like to grow up with autism - a condition which affects how children see life, and the way they relate to others around them.
With the help of beautifully crafted animation, Rosie introduces other children who have the condition: Tony, who gets totally obsessed with things but struggles to make friends, Ben, who has suffered from terrible bullying, and Rosie's own little brother Lenny, who turns the house upside-down daily to try and make sense of things.
These children tell their own stories in their own words to give a vivid and moving insight into what it's like to be autistic.

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