Redbridge SERC

Carly’s Café - Experience Autism Through Carly’s Eyes

Resource type: Videos  —  Date posted: October 30th, 2012   Number of views: 1604

This experience is viewed through the eyes of Carly Fleischmann, a 17 year old girl living with non-verbal Autism.
Based on an excerpt from the book Carly's Voice: Breaking through Autism, it explores how, for someone with autism, a simple act like going for a coffee can descend into chaos.
Carly's Café was developed as an interactive video that allows the user to experience Autism from the inside-out, visit to enjoy the full experience.

YouTube can be blocked from some school computers, to view or use the video clips contact your school ICT technician and they will be able to log you in around the curriculum access. All video’s listed have been viewed and considered suitable for viewing by staff and parents.