Redbridge SERC

Deaf woman describes hearing for the first time

Resource type: Videos  —  Date posted: April 2nd, 2014   Number of views: 1768

Joanna Milne was filmed by her mother as medical staff activated her cochlear implants, enabling to hear sound for the first time in her life. 
The moving video footage quickly became a global news sensation, and today she described as "so moving" the moment she heard the voice of a young relative. 
She said her five-year-old niece had come up to her and asked: "Auntie Joanne, where's the biscuit?" 
"I just heard what she said and it was just so sweet to hear a child's voice," she said. 
Ms Milne suffers from Usher Syndrome. The rare condition meant that not only was she profoundly deaf, but the condition also caused her eyesight to deteriorate to the point she was registered blind, meaning her new sensory ability is all the more valuable. 

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