Redbridge SERC

Numeracy Tips

Resource type: Frequently Asked Questions  —  Date posted: March 9th, 2012   Number of views: 1778

Can you recommend some basic numeracy tips?

  • To develop memory skills for numerals, enter fictional names and numbers into a mobile phone ( does not need to be connected to a network). Ask the students to remember a telephone number - if they type it in correctly the name should display.
  • To support difficulty with symbol direction always place a symbol eg x in a box, this will help clarifiy its orientation.
  • Ask students to read aloud a question before starting, to ensure they are interpreting the question correctly.
  • Give students one question at a time, stick in book at the end of the session or staple together.
  • HTU - colour code each column to support placement
  • Place coloured dots onto a ruler as a reminder where to put your fingers.
  • Place dycem on the back of a ruler to prevent it slipping.
  • Teach numeral formation in groups ( 1,2,3) ( 4,5,6) ( 7,8,9) to prevent confusion between like numerals each 3 and 8
  • When making worksheets / precision teaching cards use drawing toolbar in Word.
  • Precision teaching 
  • Commutative law fully understood and internalised before moving on eg 4+3   3+4
  • Use visualisation eg 8 icre creams and 2 melting 
  • Colour code bowls for addition / subtraction to prompt directional movment