Redbridge SERC

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Early Years   ( Remove category)

Teacher’s Pet Displays

External Resources

Looking for great visual resources to support different areas of the curriculum in KS1 and KS2 - take a look at this website  In addition to the resources being …

Mr Printables - great free flash cards to print out !

External Resources

Mr Printable's website has a lovely range of colourful flashcards that are free for you to print out. Alphabet - English, Spanish and French  Emotions Fruit and vegetables  …

Communication Cookbook

External Resources

The Communication Cookbook is a resource book of activities to support children's language and communication. It focuses on five essential ingredients that support children's communication skills, and contains simple recipes …

Gross and fine motor ideas

External Resources

This is a homeschooling USA website which contains many ideas and photo's to support fine motor gross motor crossing midline handwriting

Simple number recognition game - good for independent work

External Resources

These mats can be laminated and played with manipulatives or they can be copied and the children can color in the numeral circle of the quantity they rolled. 

The largest collection of playdough recipies ever!

External Resources

I never knew there were so many recipies!!! Take a look for some fresh inspiration including; snowman sand oat salt fun art shampoo clay scented chocolate gingerbread 

Sensory hunt

External Resources

Here is a good well to provide sensory hunts linked to curriculum areas eg shapes, colours