Redbridge SERC

External Resources
Complex Needs/ Sensory/ Students who are working below NC levels   ( Remove category)

Communication Cookbook

External Resources

The Communication Cookbook is a resource book of activities to support children's language and communication. It focuses on five essential ingredients that support children's communication skills, and contains simple recipes …

PMLD Network - resources

External Resources

Highly recommended website. Here is their resources section which is divided into: Communication and behaviour Day opportunities and inclusion Advocacy Health Mental Capacity Moving and Handling Education Transition Person centred …

The Disabled Living Foundation

External Resources

DLF is a national charity that provides impartial advice, information and training on daily living aids. The Foundation offers impartiality and aims to provide comprehensive and independent information about daily …

What are the P Scales and where can I get a copy from?

External Resources

The Department of Education website provides a good summary for those wanting this specific information.

The largest collection of playdough recipies ever!

External Resources

I never knew there were so many recipies!!! Take a look for some fresh inspiration including; snowman sand oat salt fun art shampoo clay scented chocolate gingerbread 

PMLD link

External Resources

PMLD Link is a journal which shares good practice in supporting children and adults with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD). It covers a wide range of issues to …

Sensory smart blog

External Resources

This blog is written by Nancy Peske is an author and is the parent of a child who at age 2 was diagnosed with sensory processing disorder and multiple developmental …

Ideas to add motor movements into your maths lessons

External Resources

Here are some simple ideas you could add into your maths lessons- providing movement breaks for those who need it and helping refresh others.

Complex Needs CPD Modules- FREE

External Resources

The training materials cover the following areas of special educational needs (SEN) and special educational needs and disabilities (SEND): Severe learning difficulties (SLD) Profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD) Complex …