Redbridge SERC

Learning Aids
Sensory recipes/ Sensory play activities   ( Remove category)

Arctic Ice Tray

Learning Aids

Attracted by the name No time for flashcards I found this great area for a winter sensory tray. I really liked the idea of freezing the water with a smaller …

Fantastic Science/ Sensory activities

Learning Aids

What a great set of activities - designed to interest anybody in Science !Colourful, exciting and designed to promote enquiry and discussion. 

Lavender sensory rice

Learning Aids

Found on Nurture Store website, here is a simple way to dye rice and add a fragrance. Lavender is usually relaxing for most people so may work as a calming …

Snowball Soap

Learning Aids

Snowball Soap I didn't know you could do this with a simple bar of soap- how cool! Check out these simple instructions upon ABC Does  The website tells you …


Learning Aids

I have found this idea on a great website called Juggling with Kids. She tells you how to make this great 'Rainstorm' activity. All you need is water, shaving foam, …

Magic Bottles

Learning Aids

Artsy Ants website gives you step by step details how to make this cool sensory bottle. Click the website link to read all about it. All you need to make …